Previous winners

Marketing Awards:

Digital Marketing Campaign of the Year


This award is focused on highlighting a digital marketing campaign that has had outstanding success in raising the profile of a company, bringing significant additional awareness and appreciation of its brand, and emphasising its position within the industry. Your campaign will have used a broad range of digital marketing strategies and resulted in a cohesive and effective online presence. Innovative in its creativity, it will have generated substantial customer engagement and loyalty. Its impact will have been considerable both in terms of realising company goals and achieving an excellent return on investment.

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Most Innovative Business Idea of the Year


What idea, due to its innovative nature, has brought significant success for your organisation and made a powerful impression amongst its competitors? How has your concept transformed the way others are thinking about your product/service, and given your business an edge? We would like to hear of your ground-breaking and inspirational idea, how you put your plans into action, how it has changed your business for the better, and its expected significance in the long-term.

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Outstanding App


There are thousands of apps, but only those that offer a unique service and target new customers with the creative use of smart digital technology are the ones that stand out from the crowd. If you have developed a mobile app that has broken through the technology barriers and created a new, attractive and original proposition for customers, then this is the right award for your business. Show us how the new app has transformed the business and attracted new clients and include the significant financial benefits that have resulted.

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Best Innovative and Creative Use of Technology


Whether for IT, websites, apps, inhouse systems, customer deliverables, inventions, innovation, sales or advertising, there is the opportunity for exceptional use of technology in businesses of all sizes and across all sectors. Creative ideas and innovative solutions are those that stand out from the crowd. We would like to hear how your organisation has used technology to outstanding benefit. What was the need for change and how was this need identified? Describe the steps taken and the strategies that were rolled out. How has the business flourished as a result?

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Best Brand Development


Ongoing brand development is essential if your business is continuing to attract new customers, remain innovative and be well placed for future growth. Tell us how your brand, over time, has developed into the label it is today, and how its popularity has grown. What steps did you take to build and embed your brand message, and how do you see its development in the future?

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Best Marketing & Communications Initiative


Aimed at those who have developed and implemented a marketing or communication strategy or campaign that has delivered measurable business benefits such as increased profit, sales, usage or awareness. Your marketing activity could relate to your business as a whole or a specific product or service. Provide details of how your marketing team generated original ideas, how the planned the activities, and what stages were involved in the delivery of the strategy. The judges will need to see that clear and measurable objectives were set and met.

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